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Meet Maggie – Thyroid Cancer

Meet Maggie – Thyroid Cancer

Maggie loves to dance, listen to music, draw, and read. She can be shy and quiet until she gets to know you. She also loves the Korean boy band BTS.

In July of 2016 Maggie was diagnosed with Papillary Carcinoma Thyroid Cancer. She was having trouble eating and swallowing in the time leading up to her diagnosis. Cancer has changed so much about our lives. Maggie is always at the doctor and has frequent hospital stays. She’s had two rounds of RAI and she will be going again this November. Maggie is scheduled to have a lung biopsy soon and a bone marrow biopsy by the end of this year. Her bone marrow is declining and transplant is being considered. We struggle at times with bills. My husband is the only one working and my oldest daughter helps when she can. Maggie is not able to go to high school or do things like kids her age Maggie Rose has 3 sisters and three brothers and they are amazing with her. They are her support in every way.

Maggie has been fighting since the age of 3 years old. Her faith and positivity keep her going. She’s had her feeding tube since 2005, acute asthma , cancer, a skin condition, and bone marrow failure but, no matter what, she still has her smile and never complains.

Hope Session by Darcy Graf Photography | Facebook

Meet Sanibel – Thyroid Cancer

Meet Sanibel – Thyroid Cancer

Sanibel was 14 years old and in spring of 2015 she complained about her throat feeling itchy. After trying allergy meds and no change we mentioned it to her pediatrician. She could feel the growth on Sanibel’s thyroid and she had surgery July 2017 and ended up in ICU afterwards. Her final diagnosis was 8/1/15 (I was also diagnosed with thyroid cancer 5/1/15 so it was a rough year!).

Treatment for thyroid cancer requires a LID diet (low iodine diet) weeks before treatment. Then taking medication that makes you literally radioactive and you have to be in isolation. Because I had the same treatment I could stay in her room behind a lead shield but her dad and 2 brothers could only visit through a computer. She missed half her freshman year due to treatment. 

She started fainting fall of 2017, in October it was 27 times in a month! It is a type of autonomic dysfunction called POTS which could be secondary to the cancer and treatment but no one knows for sure.

Cancer doesn’t just affect the child, it is so hard on our family. Her brother Jack has autism and worried about her dying for almost 2 years and had a lot of worries. His twin brother, Aric, too has struggled with wondering if the cancer will come back. 

She had a NED scan spring 2016 and has to continue for 5 years before considered cancer free. Her energy has never come back fully and she has to nap daily; it has been a huge change for her. Sanibel has a great attitude and her faith has helped her so much.

We had so many people step up and help us – some we barely knew and others we thought would be there and weren’t.  This was really hard too.  You definitely need a village to get through cancer!  Sanibel also loves music and has a beautiful voice and used music to help her.  She also loves reading and started a book organization called “Sani’s Book Adventures” to give books to teens in the hospital suffering with cancer.  She always found there wasn’t a lot of books for teens.

Sanibel’s support page

Hope session by Tina Fisher Photography | Facebook | Instagram

Meet Terje

Meet Terje

Terje is the strongest person I know! She is always going into the doctors with a smile on her face, even though what she goes in for isn’t always easy or pain free. She loves music and has played piano for several years and recently started the flute. She also loves reading and is engaged in the Harry Potter series right now. She likes to play outside with her brother and sisters, ride her bike, swim (even though she’s deaf when she does), camp, play sports, and has a great passion for drawing/art.

In 2006, she was diagnosed with Neuroblastoma. Neuroblastoma is a cancer that is usually found in the kidneys. Her only symptoms were an ongoing stomach flu and listlessness. She had a 30% prognosis and beat the odds!

In 2016, she developed a secondary cancer, thyroid cancer. She had no symptoms and we are so thankful she has a great doctor that caught it! Only 5% of thyroid cancer develops in children.

Terje has had chemo, radiation, autologous bone marrow transplants, multiple surgeries, and goes in for evaluation for the need of more chemo at the end of the month. Her cancer treatments have left her deaf with bilateral cochlear implants, her teeth have no root system and will eventually all fall out, medically induced cataracts in both eyes, and extremely small for her age. With her limitations we have had to make changes to our everyday life, eating habits, etc to support her. We have also had to make many sacrifices over the years to adjust for health costs that come with having a child with cancer.

Terje, against all odds, has pulled through with style! She is an amazing example of strength, faith, hope, and happiness and touches anyone she comes in contact with! She is such a special young lady, and daily continues to fight her trials and face them head on! This experience has given us an appreciation for life and living every day to your fullest!

Hope session by Karyn Olsson Photography | Facebook | Instagram