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Zaira is a bright beautiful two-year-old with so much personality and sass. She adores her big bro and plays silly with him. She loves all things princess and ballerina. And even through these rough times, she surprises everybody with her attitude.

Zaira was diagnosed on January 21st of 2024. She was doing completely fine and nothing could suggest she had a mass growing in her chest, we found out by complete accident while she was getting checked for a knee accident. We are so very thankful for the doctors who spotted something wrong and made us go back!

She has been through all possible inherent exams and last month got a port-a-cath with her first set of chemo. We are new to the area and live on Camp Pendleton (Marine Corps base). We are slowly rebuilding our village here so the biggest struggle has been driving back and forth to Rady’s in SD and family arrangements for our older son.

The shock has been hard to digest for all of us but we’re trying to face one challenge at a time and be present for our kids. Our relatives are spread literally all over the world and they’re trying to support us as much as they can from a distance.

Our family is a proud Navy family, we’ve been traveling all over in the last few years on military orders and we received this shocking news of our little girl only after a month of being in California. The past few months have been the most challenging for everybody adjusting to a new environment first and then dealing with cancer. We’re so grateful for Rady’s Children’s Hospital and all the staff really. They’ve been a blessing to us.

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