Violett is an absolute fire cracker. She always has been. She is sassy, and sweet and outgoing. She makes friends everywhere she goes. She bursts people’s hearts wide open. We frequently get told by professionals and people she encounters you just don’t see 3 year olds with personality like hers. Especially 3 year olds going through what she is. She brings sunshine and laughter to anyone’s day. On the flip side, she is also very head strong and knows what she wants, when she wants it. She likes to be in control.
In November of 2017, Violett was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. She was a seemingly healthy child who was rarely sick but in the month leading up to her diagnosis she got an ear infection for the first time that did not clear up with antibiotics. They did blood work at our local children’s hospital and we got the shocking news that she probably had leukemia. We were then transferred to St. Jude that night and it was confirmed there the next day. Violett has had several different procedures under anesthesia since then, however, the most frequently thing she receives is iv chemo chemotherapy through her chest port and injection chemotherapy shots in her legs. These things are incredibly hard on her body; both chemos sometimes cause her to have trouble walking and be in pain.
Cancer has changed so many things about our lives. Depending on Violett’s anc, she may or may not be able to leave the house without a mask. We avoid places with large groups of people, she does not eat outside of the house or st jude (including icecream etc) . Her main limitation is her counts being low and us not being comfortable getting her out of the house. Her dad and I both strive to put her health absolutely first. She is our number one priority.
Violett is an all around a character and my favorite person in the world!
Hope Session by Karen Waits Photography | Facebook | Instagram