Sophia has a vibrant and joyful personality, finding laughter in jokes and delight in creative activities. She loves swimming, dancing, anything musical, dressing up, baking, and crafting. Her favorite things include mermaids, princesses, and fairies, which spark her imagination and bring her joy.
On September 5, 2024, our daughter was diagnosed with leukemia. Before her diagnosis, she began experiencing pain in her legs, which we initially thought was growing pains. The pain shifted to the back of her knee, causing her to limp. Concerned about a possible knee injury, we scheduled a doctor’s appointment, only to discover it was leukemia.
Currently, she has no major limitations but will soon begin wearing a backpack for treatment in November. Her journey so far has included a bone marrow biopsy, two lumbar punctures, lab work, chemotherapy, and medications. Adapting to this new reality has been a challenge as we work to create a safe environment for her at home while also caring for her healthy 2.5-year-old sibling.
Our family life has significantly changed. We are now living a more isolated “bubble life,” similar to the precautions taken during COVID-19, to minimize exposure risks. We’ve limited visitors in our home, and our daughter is no longer attending 4K, with her activities adjusted to avoid crowded settings.

Hope session by Jean Pauline Photography | Facebook | Instagram