Liv is seriously so so happy! She just loves everything (when we’re not in the hospital- here she is very cranky) Acting like you’re gonna tickle her, actually tickling her, saying “I’m gonna getcha!”, chasing her. She loves food and has her own happy dance for when she sees something she thinks looks good. She is a lover for sure. She loves cuddles and kisses. She has a stuffed animal that makes kissing noises and she will lay her face on the monkeys face while patting it.
In December of 2018, I brought Liv to the hospital because she had had a stomach bug the week before. (Her sister had it and the rest of the school had it) She was lethargic and becoming unresponsive. All labs were great so they did an emergent CT scan to rule out trauma. They found a baseball sized tumor in the right frontal lobe and it had ruptured, causing her to become unresponsive and begin vomiting. We then realized her symptoms on Saturday were not from the stomach bug. On January 2nd we got the pathology results stating it was in fact malignant and we needed to start treatment as soon as we could.
She had a craniotomy, full tumor resection, port placement, spinal tap. She has to have 3 different chemotherapys. We are waiting for her counts to go back up to place the Apheresis line and hopefully begin harvesting her stem cells.
Since this has happened, I have not returned to work. In all reality there’s no way that I could have. We have to split out time with our oldest daughter and choose which parent (if any) will stay home with her or if she will go to an aunt’s house or grandma’s. She enjoys spending time with her other family but her and Olivia are the best of friends and you can tell they miss each other.
We are staying optimistic due to the fact that her doctor was able to remove all of the tumor, how great she is doing post op, and the fact that the tumor was localized and had not spread to other parts of her brain or spine.
She is a tough little thing as well. She keeps coming out of situations like a rockstar! When she had the tumor removed, they only shaved half of her hair and she looked like a total rockstar!!! Everyone loved it. Her hair fell out two days ago and she is rocking being bald just as well!

Hope session by Terra Fondriest Photography | Facebook