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Noah is an old soul that is wise beyond his years. He is kind and brave, and always continues to amaze us with his capacity to adapt to situations. Noah loves Pokémon and playing with his friends.

When Noah was 3 1/2, he had nigh sweats, weight loss, fevers, and was extremely weak. He was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia on August 25, 2014. 

Noah endured three years of daily chemotherapy, bone marrow aspirations, intrathecal chemo in his spine over 20 times that required sedation each time, countless hospital stays, and endless pokes. We are currently trying to adjust to being done with treatment and the fear and worries that come with it.

We are much more appreciative on every good day we have because we have learned how quickly life can change. We are closer as a family and have learned to rely on each other during the lonely hospital visits and appointments.

Noah’s support page

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