Miles is so kind and loving. He has an incredibly strong faith in Jesus and loves giving and doing for others. He’s an incredible little old soul. He loves building Legos, coin collecting, and playing piano. He always finds a reason to dance!
In February of 2023, Miles was having what we thought were sinus headaches from the dusty Arizona climate. The urgent care didn’t find anything wrong, so I took him to the eye doctor. The eye doctor sent us immediately to the ER because his optic nerves were swollen, where we found out it was a brain tumor.
He has had three brain surgeries and is currently in treatment. He takes oral chemo at home and is doing well on it so far. There have been a lot of emotional and financial struggles for sure. He has two older brothers who have taken it really hard also.
We have definitely gotten closer as a family. We have learned to adapt and change to the constant specialist appointments and what Miles’s limitations are. We are thankful for every day we have together.
We have been blown away by all the love and support from our community. I’m sad it took this happening for us to realize how incredible all of the people around us are and how blessed we are.

Hope session by Maren Elizabeth Photography | Facebook | Instagram