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Meredith is our more serious and reserved child. She is 12 years old. She loves her pet bunny, succulents (and plants in general), Boba tea and Ramen, her friends, and going on new adventures. She has been playing the piano and taking dance classes for 5 years, and we hope she can continue both after recovering from her most recent treatments.

Meredith was diagnosed with cancer in 2020. Her brain tumor was completely removed. We discovered it had regrown in September of this year.

Meredith had 1 brain surgery in 2020, and she just completed 6 weeks of radiation at St. Jude in Memphis. She is on 4 lifelong medications. She cannot sweat, so she cannot be outside in heat for long. There are other complications, but they’re harder to explain – basically, minor incidents (like vomiting or a fender bender) can land her in the hospital immediately, and this will be lifelong also.

We are all the more thankful for God’s gift of life and each other.

Hope session by Fervent In Spirit Photography | Facebook | Instagram

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