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Mariana enjoys fun, beaches, family, and friends. While her diagnosis set her back to further develop skills in sports, she loves playing volleyball and basketball. She also has a strong creative mindset. Artistic in her own ways.

Mariana was diagnosed on 5/10/18. After a very long journey, she will be finishing treatment on 9/10/20. She also just started high school. Leading up to her diagnosis, Mariana had lost a lot of weight although she was constantly snacking and eating. Then she noticed a lump under her chin. She plays sports and started getting easily hurt and started limping. We took her to a chiropractor for help. We eventually embarked to find a new pediatrician who started a series of exams and tests. A simple blood test sent us to the emergency room at Comer’s children’s hospital.

Mariana has had intense chemotherapy, endless lumbar punctures, and a port placement surgery. During frontline treatment, Mariana started to experience some potentially serious reactions to 2 IV chemo treatments. Doctors made the decision to skip that drug. We struggled to keep her spirits up while managing severe nausea and exhaustion. Mariana felt she was missing out on life when she was feeling sick or hospitalized. We also noticed some learning challenges.

This journey has strengthened our family. I have also seen this experience transform Mariana into a stronger individual! She was once very shy but treatment has forced her to speak up with doctors and nurses. She now speaks for herself. As a family, we have learned to appreciate everything from the support we have received from organizations to our community, school, friends, family, and each other.

While Mariana will continue to experience certain struggles, she is determined to pursue a career in childhood cancer. Her aspirations range from pediatric oncologist to nurse or child life specialist.

Mariana’s Support Page

Hope Session by Rebecca Hellyer Photography | Facebook | Instagram

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