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Lucas is a fun-loving, humorous, caring, loving child. He is all boy in the sense that he loves to talk about bodily functions, he loves to roughhouse, loves superhero’s, getting dirty, etc. His favorite thing is batman. He is very smart and picks up on things quickly.

In the beginning of 2016, Lucas was having reoccurring fevers, stomach aches, leg pain and fatigue. On January 14, 2016 he was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia or ALL. 

Right now we are in the maintenance phase of treatment. This includes monthly IV chemo, nightly oral chemo at home, and a spinal tap with chemo every three months. He deals with low blood sugar from time to time so especially on the spinal tap days where he cannot eat because of sedation, they have to give him dextrose. He also experiences episodes of strider when under the sedation medication. This means close monitoring and they have tweaked his medications to try to help prevent this from occurring. It brings fear to our family every time he needs sedation between the possibility of his blood sugars dropping and him not breathing. 

I think the biggest thing that our family deals with is fear. I’m fearful of Lucas getting sick, so I am constantly watching him and my other 2 children for any signs of illness. And if the other two do get sick, I try to keep them away from Lucas so he doesn’t catch anything. I’m also fearful of him getting hurt because I get paranoid that he would end with an infection or any complications really. I know the doctor has told us to let him live a normal life of a 5, almost 6 year old, but at the same time I just want to keep him safe and healthy.  I feel like I must be doing something right because the doctors and nurses have told me on a few occasions to “keep doing what you’re doing, there’s a reason he is doing so well”.  We only have less than a year left of treatment, so I will try my best to keep him protected until it is done.

Lucas’ support page

Hope session by Tumbling Sparrow Photography | Facebook | Instagram 

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