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Liam was in the ER with what was thought to be a viral illness. A month after being discharged he was back in the ER again with similar symptoms. This was suspicious enough that he was transferred to the children’s hospital to see the oncologist and then was correctly diagnosed with Leukemia on March 16th, 2020.

He has had lots of oral and IV chemotherapy, regular lumbar punctures, and occasional marrow biopsies. We of course have the financial struggles that come along with the treatment of cancer. Outside of that, the biggest struggles have just been trying to maintain stability and normalcy as we go through treatment and a pandemic. It’s hard on the kids!

Liam is so strong and so brave. Through this whole journey, he hasn’t slowed down. He has some bad days but they are nothing compared to all the great days he has.

Hope session by Lindsay Chan Photography | Facebook | Instagram

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