Levi was diagnosed on 2/7/22, he was one at the time and exactly one month from turning 2. His diagnosis affected all of us but he has been so encouraging and inspiring to us.
It started with random fevers one month prior to diagnosis. Slowly we began noticing behavioral changes such as being fuzzy, tired, less playful, chewing in clothing items and comfort blankies, hardly sleeping, and bruising.
He has had many hospital stays throughout treatment. Due to that, we have had many financial curveballs. We are a family of 5 and my husband and I take turns between Levi and our other two boys.
This has completely turned our lives upside down and has caused us so much trauma. Although it’s hard to not be stressed, we try to not stress the little things as much. This journey has made me realize how grateful we are every day to wake up and have each other. I try to emphasize to our kids that the little things don’t matter. Materialistic things aren’t important.
Levi is also our rainbow baby. He is a true warrior and so are his super siblings!
Hope session by Pagette Callender Photography | Facebook