Kelsey is a first grader and loving school and math. She has two younger brothers, Carson, and Cayden. Even though she gets annoyed she loves being a big sister and definitely keeps them in check (as she says). Kelsey tells new poeple she meets that the reason she is on this planet is to make others laugh. And believe me she is very good at that. Kelsey loves telling jokes, reading stories, and has an amazing imagination to make her our stories for others. Kelsey loves exploring, playing outside, bike riding, and any type of sports. So far she has played soccer, and cheerleading. Next on her list is basketball or swimming she said. Kelsey is a girly-girl with the love of pink and purples but is not afraid to get down and dirty in the mud and does not back down from anything. She is our hero and inspiration to the world. So strong and brave.
Kelsey was diagnosed July 15th 2015 with Infantile Fibrosarcoma in her left forearm, after discovering a odd looking lump on her arm after soccer practice. She had no symptoms, no pain or any changes in activity. Fibrosarcoma develops in the connective fibers tissue found at the end of bones. Infantile or congenital fibrosarcoma is the most common form found in young children. Kelsey is left handed as well and it never still to this day has not effected her writing or any issues with her arm.
Kelsey began treatment quickly once diagnosed. Beginning July 16th with port placement surgery and then chemotherapy starting that same day. She has underwent 10 rounds of three different types of chemotherapy. Along with many blood draws, ct scans, mri, and bone scans. Kelsey has lost all her hair due to treatment but handles it like a champ.
No-one wants to hear your child has cancer but when you do, it makes you look at life differently. We live everyday with happiness and make the most memories as we can. I believe that it has brought our family closer in a way. The change isn’t always good with this diagnosis but we are blessed to have each other. Kelsey has taken this battle head on from day one. She hasnt lost her smile even with everything that is going on. The day we all heard ” It’s Cancer” it seemed as the world stopped, but Kelsey looked at us all with her bright blue eyes and said “Don’t cry I got this!” She is a fighter and we are all her to help her with that!