Jocelyn loves gymnastics and making her musicly videos. As well as doing her makeup and getting all dressed up.
Jocelyn was a preemie, born weighing in at 1lb 13oz, she was in the NICU for many months. At the age of two Jocelyn turned completely yellow (jaundice) in which I then knew something was wrong, little did I know it was the last day home before a 12 month hospital stay. She had Pancreatic Blastoma.
Jocelyn has undergone chemo, radiation, numerous surgeries, and 4 relapses. She had a 12 hour Whipple procedure at just 2 years old. She still faces a daily battle and has recently just had a 9 hour surgery in which we unfortunately didn’t get the expected results.
We all struggle on a daily basis. I am Jocelyn’s full time care giver and my husband works on a daily basis to support us. It’s very stressful at times. Luckily as a family we have stuck together. I have two other daughters as well, 25 and 21 and they are very supportive and helpful with their little sister.
Jocelyn is our little fighter, she is truly a warrior. No matter what she is going through she maintains a smile that can light up the room.
Hope session by Jackie Kelley Photography. Facebook
Jocelyn is truly a fighter…our family has been so blessed to have her and her family in our lives! Jocelyn is an inspiration to all of us! Love you our Philly Family! ? The Hess Familia