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In the fall of 2023, Eve suffered random bouts of sickness, but without any fever and always recovered almost immediately. She saw her pcp a few times because of all this but there were no immediate concerns. It was when her gait changed and her balance became a bit unstable that her doctor then felt she should have some imaging done.

Eve had a full tumor resection, followed by 6 weeks of radiation and she is now unseeing chemo, with a few more cycles left. Eve’s energy can be impacted hugely after a chemo session, at these times school hasn’t been possible, or outings if her immune system is very low.

For the most part, we try to just get on with life and keep it as ‘normal’ as possible for everyone. However, our calendar is now a series of weekly medical/therapy appointments. As Eve is special needs, this can be very taxing on her as she doesn’t fully understand what is going on and she is not always able to express how she is feeling or what she needs. This can be very frustrating for her. Her older brothers have been brilliant in helping her through this time with their patience and the time they give her by playing with her, taking her out for walks or just hanging with her!

Eve is a little live wire who always manages to get her point across despite her language limitations! She is feisty and strong-willed, hugely affectionate, and always happy to be the joker and enjoy a laugh!

Hope session by Michelle Fonseca Photography | Facebook | Instagram

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