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Dalton is our unique boy. He does things on his own terms and time. He is pretty easy going. His dad makes him laugh quite often with jokes or weird facts. They like to watch bloopers on YouTube. He loves to mess with the hospital nurses by making unfunny names for them, having them taste disgusting jellybeans, or squirting them with saline flushes. Dalton has a kind heart and wants to help others. Prior to cancer, he was outside riding his bike, jumping off the high dive of our neighborhood swimming pool, and playing baseball with his favorite baseball coach. Now he spends time watching science experiments on YouTube and then trying them out in my kitchen, making paracord bracelets, crafting with random recycled materials, and recently hitting a racquet ball around outside and dribbling his basketball.

Dalton cancer symptoms started with left lower leg pain in June of 2017. He was diagnosed with a fracture and then a bone cyst after an MRI. He got better after rest. Then in October of 2017 he had his second pathological fracture of his left tibia. Surgery was in December of 2017 to remove what was thought to be cystic fluid from the leg. His pain progressed in January of 2018 into February when he was referred to a surgeon for a biopsy after a third MRI revealed a suspicious area. On March 5th, 2018, Dalton was diagnosed with Ewing Sarcoma.

Dalton has had multiple surgeries to determine the cause of the original bone pain, to place his mediport for chemotherapy treatments, lymph node surgery due to a suspicious spot on a PET scan (negative for cancer), and the biggest of all was his lib salvage surgery to remove the tumor. Dalton named his tumor Toomi McPooperson and in July 25, 2018 It was removed. But in order to save his lower leg, Dalton had to have his left knee replaced and two-thirds of his tibia is now a titanium rod. His chemotherapy schedule is very busy and changes weekly based on what week he is in. The hardest weeks are when he is admitted for five days for in patient chemo. Since surgery he has been healthy and has had one extra admission for fever. Our biggest struggle as a family is finding time as a family of four, especially with not being able to be out in public.

Cancer does not define our family. We maybe separated during hospital admissions, but we all know that it has to be done in order for Dalton to beat this cancer. Our daughter has had to grow up faster than any 12 year old should and she is responsible on days when both parents maybe gone. That was the hardest part..the beginning stages of this diagnosis and for the limb salvage surgery. The kids have become closer, but still argue like normal siblings. We have a huge support group of family, friends, and community known as TEAM D. They have been a tremendous help with prayers, dinners, cards, gifts, laundry, and emotional support.

Dalton has a determination that we have never seen before. He does what is asked of him even if he is scared or he knows it may hurt. Dalton is learning to be his own patient advocate and is learning a lot about the medical world. He is strong and his dad often calls Dalton his hero

Dalton’s support page

Hope session by Jamey Brown Photography

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