Caspian is a bright, curious, and joyful little boy with a love for cars—especially Hot Wheels, which he takes everywhere. His best friend is a dragon stuffed animal named Georgie. Incredibly intelligent, he began reading at just 2.5 years old and will be turning four in October. Caspian can read anything you give him and asks thoughtful questions to fully understand what he reads. He also enjoys singing, dancing, and spreading smiles with his vibrant personality.
Caspian was diagnosed with cancer in December 2022. Leading up to his diagnosis, he experienced a constant fever, bone pain, and lethargy. Due to his condition, he avoids big crowds because he’s immunocompromised. He also tires easily and occasionally feels nauseated.
His treatment journey has included port placement, regular lumbar punctures, various types of chemotherapy, medicines to manage side effects, blood transfusions, and numerous tests. These treatments have been tough on Caspian and his family. His mom took a year off work to care for him, and while she recently returned, adjusting has been challenging. Their lives have been turned upside down, filled with hospital trips, stress, and trauma, profoundly altering their outlook on life.
Through it all, Caspian has shown immense bravery during treatment. He adores his nurses and doctors, who have been a big part of his journey. His resilience and courage inspire everyone around him.

Hope session by Sarah Roozeboom Photography | Facebook | Instagram