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Carlos is very smart and has a sense if humor. He loves to watch WWE matches and pretends to wrestle with his little brother. He is not emotional about cancer or its effects, he just deals with things as they come. He has very high standards for himself and he is always thinking positive.

In January of 2015, he was experiencing blurred vision, headaches and vomiting first thing in the morning. He was diagnosed with Medulloblastoma, also known as PNET. He early symptoms are very common for Medulloblastoma. Medulloblastoma occurs in the brain at the base of the skull. Medulloblastoma accounts for 20% of childhood brain tumors. Carlos’ treatment consisted of 3 brain surgeries, radiation and chemotherapy.

Carlos has had to re-learn how to walk, talk, and swallow. He currently has balance issues and can’t play contact sports. He misses playing soccer and lately he has been dealing with fatigue. Our life will never be the same, he is not the same child he was before, and there is always the possibility of the cancer coming back and it’s sometimes hard to manage that.


Hope session by Love My Baby Photography | Facebook | Instagram

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