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Brian has such a big and bright personality, he used to be so shy and didn’t talk to anyone other than family. After his diagnosis and a lot of hospital/clinic time, he has actually opened up a lot more. He loves music and dancing. bubbles, cars, and sea animals are his current obsession. He has a “secret handshake” he does with his favorite nurses and doctors. He spends any chance he gets watching Blippi and exploring.

Brian was diagnosed with T-Cell Lymphoblastic Lymphoma in November of 2021. He did not have symptoms that we noticed. He was actually running with his sister when he fell and I immediately saw the right side of his face paralyzed! We took him to urgent care where they then sent us to the emergency room. That is when they told us his labs were abnormal and they discovered his kidneys were 3 times their normal size! His pancreas was inflamed with tumors and as it turned out he had stage 4 cancer. His face being paralyzed was caused by cancer making its way into his spinal fluid.

Brian is currently receiving chemotherapy. He also receives regular lumber punctures. It has been difficult because instead of spending time together as a whole family (we also have a 9 yr old daughter) we spend a lot of time in the clinic/hospital. We also don’t get to go out as much or visit with other family members.

Brian is the strongest little boy ever and I don’t just say that because of his cancer diagnosis. He has adapted so much and makes everything he goes through look so easy. Before his cancer diagnosis, he was diagnosed with autism and a speech delay. I was so worried because he has sensory sensitivities but he found a way to cope.

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