On May 1, 2024, our lives changed forever when Rose was diagnosed with cancer. It all started so simply—she was jumping on a trampoline, fell, and said her knee hurt. We took her to the doctor, who referred us to an orthopedic specialist, but then something even more concerning happened. She started developing polka-dot bruises everywhere. That was when we knew something was really wrong.
Since then, Rose has been through chemotherapy and lumbar punctures. The treatments are tough, and the hospital stays feel endless. This journey has been incredibly hard on our whole family. We’ve had to limit the people she’s around and adjust our lives in ways we never imagined.
But through it all, Rose is our light in the darkness. She is funny, outgoing, and so incredibly smart. She loves being outside, dancing, singing, and laughing—especially when I pretend to be a dinosaur. Disney princesses are her world, but her absolute favorite thing is dancing with me, her mom.
Even after multiple hospital stays, she wakes up every morning with a smile, as if nothing ever happened. She is the strongest little girl we know, and we are so proud of her fight.
Benjamin is a born storyteller. He is happiest when he is in costume acting out a grand adventure. He loves animals and Lego and wants to be a “zoolineer” when he grows up (an engineer that helps animals). He is very social, a loyal friend, and the best big brother in the world.
Our son Benjamin was diagnosed with ALL in February of 2019 at the age of 4. He finished treatment on June 5th, 2022. Before his diagnosis, he experienced a series of illnesses including an ear infection, the flu, and strep throat. One morning he woke up and couldn’t walk due to leg pain. Blood work and additional testing at our children’s hospital eventually led to the diagnosis of ALL. His diagnosis process was long due to his presentation with necrotic bone marrow.
Benjamin underwent the very high-risk protocol due to bone marrow necrosis at diagnosis. This protocol included Frontline chemo over the course of the first year and maintenance chemo for another two and a half after that. His medication was administered orally, via his port, and into his spinal fluid. Our greatest struggle throughout treatment has been the mental/emotional impact. Benjamin suffers from PTSD because of the challenging diagnosis process. This anxiety has affected his daily functioning. We have also been extremely isolated due to the combination of his compromised immune system and Covid. We’ve all struggled greatly with the isolation.
We had just moved to NY when Benjamin was diagnosed, and so we went through the treatment process without friends and family to help. We learned to rely entirely on ourselves and I think our strength as a family unit grew. And of course, we will never take a moment together for granted now that we know how quickly the world can change. We definitely have a sense of both gratitude for Benjamin’s success in treatment and recognition of every day together as a gift.
Benjamin is my hero. His resilience and adaptability continue to amaze me every day.
Zoey is outgoing! Even though she is going through this, she is living her best life. She is always happy, positive, and super social. Zoey loves horses and is the best big sister to her 2-month-old baby sister.
Zoey was diagnosed with Leukemia on December 9th, 2022. Prior to her diagnosis, she had fevers & petechiae all over her body. She has been receiving chemotherapy so we have been away from home since her diagnosis because of her treatment in San Diego.
Zoey is a warrior! Even though she is going through so much, she still thinks of others and wants to do for others. It’s truly amazing! She wants to go talk to all the children in the hospital to encourage them to fight hard!
Rayne loves pink and purple, princesses, and begs to go back to the beach!
Rayne was diagnosed with Leukemia on April 23rd 2022. We had finally taken our family trip to the beach after rescheduling due to covid for years. Rayne just wasn’t feeling or acting normal but we thought it was the drive and the trip. Once we got home and she didn’t bounce back we took her in and found out the worst news any parent could ever hear.
She has been going through multiple different types of chemo, Lumbar punctures etc. We are driving from the fox cities down to Milwaukee which is about two hours one way for treatment. She is sometimes tired and moody due to everything she has to go through.
It’s hard to put into words but cancer has changed everything for us.
Carter has a very sociable and silly personality. He is very energetic and always has a smile on his face. He is very smart for his age. He loves to learn new things as he participates during his brothers preschool lessons. He loves puzzles, trains, cars, and animals.
Carter was diagnosed with leukemia on August 10, 2022. Prior to his diagnosis, he had been having stomach and digestive issues for a few months. We brought him to the doctor to have some blood tests done for food allergies. We received the results of no food allergies but leukemia.
Carter receives chemotherapy treatment once a week. He has had numerous lumbar punctures, blood and platelet transfusions.
Cancer has changed many things about our lives, I am on a one year unpaid leave from work to care for Carter as well as his siblings. Carter also has a 4 year old brother and 1 year old sister that are socially isolated to protect their brother from becoming sick. It has been extremely challenging for our family to get this diagnosis, fight through his battle and be socially isolated from family and public events.
Ella is the best kid, she is so strong and a constant ray of light even through all of this. She loves princesses and girly things but also loves dinosaurs and getting dirty.
Ella was diagnosed with Leukemia on July 7th, 2022. Before her diagnosis, she had a cough for 4 months that we were told was just allergies. She then had an unexplained fever for about a week. We went to the doctor for a follow-up appointment and she had petechiae and a swollen liver. The doctor sent us to the ER and there we found out she had leukemia.
During her first bone marrow biopsy and port placement she stopped breathing and spent 10 days intubated in the ICU. She’s had countless spinal taps, and had anaphylaxis due to a chemo med, and was hooked up to a backpack for 2 months 24/7.
Ella likely won’t be starting in-person Kindergarten next year – we are still on the fence about it. I think cancer has made us stronger and more cautious at the same time.