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Meet Jasmine – Leukemia

Meet Jasmine – Leukemia

Jasmine is an energetic, spirited, and endearing young girl. About two weeks before May 13, she began exhibiting signs of paleness, lack of appetite, and disinterest in playing with her siblings. Concerned about her symptoms, I contacted our family physician to arrange an appointment. However, due to the doctor’s vacation, Jasmine wouldn’t be seen until May 19.

Upon returning home from work on May 13, 2024, I discovered that Jasmine had a low-grade fever and several small bruises on her feet, an unusual occurrence for a toddler.

Given both Jasmine and her sister were unwell, I took them to the ER. Jasmine’s sister was diagnosed with a viral infection. The doctor, upon inquiring about Jasmine’s symptoms and the unusual bruising, recommended a complete blood test.

Following the necessary assessment and tests, the doctor returned with the news that Jasmine had severe anemia and advised that she might need to be hospitalized. Confirmation of the diagnosis was pending from the hematology clinic.

In the early hours of May 14, following a discussion with the hematologist, the doctor returned to our room and disclosed that Jasmine had leukemia. I hoped it was a mistake, but it was confirmed, and Jasmine had to be transferred to the oncologist clinic at the children’s hospital. The doctor’s words continually reverberated in my mind, and I was overwhelmed with emotion, hoping it was all just a terrible dream.

The subsequent day was a whirlwind for my husband and me, as we were inundated with information about Jasmine’s treatment plan, including tests, line planning, treatment phases, outpatient clinic schedules, and more.

Thus began our two-year journey of treatment, comprising numerous hospital visits, admissions, lumbar punctures, blood transfusions, isolation, IV chemotherapy, oral medication, and various doses of medication.

Hope session by Kristy Drake Photography | Facebook | Instagram

Meet Maxx – Ewing Sarcoma

Meet Maxx – Ewing Sarcoma

Maxx was diagnosed with Ewing Sarcoma on December 21, 2021. He had persistent pain in his leg. He then relapsed in April of 2024.

Maxx has had a femur replacement, been through countless chemo treatments and scans. He is about to start a new trial drug and add in radiation.

Everything revolves around his treatment and his safety. He is a tough kid who loves others deeply.

Hope session by Lionel Faith Photography | Instagram

Meet Mya – B Cell ALL

Meet Mya – B Cell ALL

Mya is such a happy child. She tries to help in everything she can. She loves to learn and help cook, she recently wanted to start learning Spanish. She laughs about everything. She loves dancing and having books read to her. She loves animals.

In November of 2022, Mya began having fever symptoms which were thought to be a tooth infection, then an ear infection. After an urgent care visit and a PCP visit, however, Mya seemed to be getting paler and more fatigued so I took her to the ER. My mommy gut was saying this was more than just an infection. I thought maybe just extreme dehydration, I just never expected to be given a diagnosis of leukemia for my 5-year-old daughter.

The struggles are that we have a 4-year-old and a 2-year-old that have to be at family members’ homes for treatment days or at times they can’t go places like “normal” kids for fear of bringing any small virus home. Sometimes holidays or parties are missed or postponed or even canceled for the same reasons.

We have had to adjust to a new normal where we can’t always attend events or go to parks on the weekends or when they are most likely crowded. We can’t always go to birthdays or have parties like in the past. However we have found new things to do outdoors like buying a projector and movie screen to do outdoor movies or building a goldfish pond and getting hammocks to enjoy mother nature, we have found ways to as they say “slow down and smell the roses.”

She is the strongest person I know, even stronger than me!

Hope session by MK Stallings Photography | Facebook | Instagram

Meet Avery – Leukemia ALL

Meet Avery – Leukemia ALL

Avery was a very healthy and athletic little girl. She was a competitive gymnast and was going to 6 hours of gymnastics a week, she played every sport and loved to be outside. Avery also is a great skier and was skiing three days before her diagnosis. On the day of her diagnosis, she was in school and there were no reported concerns. Avery had random night fevers and some small nosebleeds. She was the girl who would NOT sit still from the second she woke up until she went to bed. She had more energy than any little girl I knew. Avery loved going to school, friend gathering, and being with her family. This diagnosis has crushed her soul and changed her life completely.

We have been at the hospital since her diagnosis, leaving our 4-year-old son with family members. Avery has had several Lumbar Punctures (twice a week) and had a Bone Marrow Transplant. Avery will have several more procedures in the upcoming weeks. We struggle a lot financially, emotionally, and mentally with everything during these procedures.

Avery’s life went from practices, school, play, etc to laying in a hospital bed not being able to move. We have a 4-year-old son who is without his parents most of the week and only sees them once a week. We have had to modify our work schedules to accommodate being in the hospital. We have a long road of chemotherapy, appointments, procedures, long nights, etc. Our lives have completely changed in a matter of minutes.

Avery is strong and is fighting every day and has processed everything better than any adult. She is amazing!

Hope session by My Tribe Photography | Facebook | Instagram