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Sophia loves preschool and she loves her labradoodle, Felix! She loves coloring and drawing, stickers and disney. She enjoys fun movies and loves running, playing, and taking walks.

In the winter of 2015, Sophia was having some odd health symptoms. She had paleness, bruising, aching bones, petichia, enlarged lymph nodes, enlarged liver, and many fevers. On January 22, 2015 she was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. She’s been through two bone marrow aspirations, 21 lumbar punctures, countless port accesses, chemotherapy, steroids, antibiotics, ER visits, and many clinic visits.

We have had many struggles but none we haven’t overcome together. Sophia has been brave since the very beginning. She is my hero in every single way. She’ll be finishing treatment in March of 2018. It’s been a little over 2 years of treatment and we are all so very excited!

Hope session by Jessica Rae

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