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Sam is a very loving boy who has a great sense of humor. He loves building with Legos, the very large sets! He loves video games, going to Cedar Point to ride coasters, swimming and has recently joined band playing the clarinet. He also took golf lessons this summer.

When Sam was 4 years old he was having massive and frequent headaches. This was concerning. On December 30th, 2008, we learned why. He had a brain stem tumor. He started chemotherapy in August 2009 (with port placement surgery in same month) through Dec 2010. He did another cycle of chemotherapy in November 2013. He has continued MRIs to check tumor status. He has had approximately 40 of these MRIs. His tumor is currently stable.

Childhood cancer has changed our life. We still struggle financially because of medical bills due to doctor visits and MRIs. We try to remain strong as parents, but always have that worry in the back of our minds of his tumor growing again. Sam struggles with weakness/tiredness when walking so he does not participate in sports. However, we have learned to cherish each and every day with one another and not take things for granted. We have also met many wonderful people and organizations through his cancer journey.

Sam is a true hero who has endured so much. He is a fighter and a warrior who keeps a smile on his face!

Sam’s support page

Hope session by Stephanie’s Creations Photography | Facebook | Instagram

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