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Oliver is a firecracker! He loves being the center of attention and he loves to dance and listen to music. He’s obsessed with Peppa Pig and loves Elmo too. He lights up every room he is in, even the nurses at the children’s hospital fight over who gets to take care of him when we are there.

In the spring of 2019, Oliver stopped walking and then had very swollen lymph nodes. We thought the two were unrelated but they were both symptoms of his leukemia. He was officially diagnosed on April 11th, 2019.

He’s on his FINAL round of chemo and he’s been to hell and back. We are mostly hermits these days because he has struggled with almost no immune system his whole treatment. He’s finally starting to recover and bounce back. Our whole lives revolve around getting him better, I don’t know what “normal” is anymore.

This journey has made us stronger. Oliver has Down syndrome so we are accustomed to bring a strong, tight-knit family for him and this has just brought us even closer and stronger.

I watch Oliver fight twice as hard as everyone else to do everyday tasks. It took him so long to walk, he’s still mostly non-verbal, and now he’s had to fight cancer, but he never stops smiling. He’s amazing!

Hope session by April Love Photography | Facebook | Instagram

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