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Nicholas is very outgoing when he feels comfortable. He loves to watch YouTubers and likes to play basketball or participate in swimming.

When he was 5 years old, he kept getting stomach aches, was vomiting , having terrible bowls and trouble urinating. It was then he was diagnosed with Burkitt’s Lymphoma Non Hodgkins. Burkitt’s Lymphoma often forms in the abdomen of children. Nicholas has been through chemo, surgery, spinal taps, blood transfusions, high dose chemotherapy (with a terrible reacaction); all while trying to be a kid.

Our main struggle facing a cancer diagnosis has to do with finances. Paying bills gets so tough and it can be hard to catch up.

Nicholas fought his battle in a short period of time but he has shown us that this beast cancer will not stop him! He likes helping other kids battling. He is passionate about raising awareness and funds for kids who are fighting or families who need help. Seeing our family struggle has really impacted his outlook.

Kid Nicholas Going Gold

Hope session by Antonietta Henry Photography. Facebook | Instagram

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