Mya loves her dogs, Baxter and Roxy, and her daddy. If they are in the same room, Mya always has a smile on her face. Mya is the sweetest big sister to Ella, who is the calmest baby ever.
At 4 weeks old, Mya was unable to pass a bowel movement due to an orange sized mass blocking her lower intestine. She was diagnosed with a Saccrococcygeal Teratoma germ cell tumor. Mya has been through 4 rounds of systemic chemotherapy lasting 5 days each. Our family struggles financially due to having to relocate to Seattle during her treatment while maintaining our household several hours away. Mya being diagnosed was the hardest thing our family has been through. As a new first time mom hearing “your kid has cancer” is never easy. She is 9 months cancer-free but we have to go back to Seattle Children’s Hospital every few weeks for scans and tests to confirm Mya’s levels have not increased, which would show a reappearance of her cancer.
We have gone through so much in the past year and a half, and although Mya’s levels are currently good, we constantly worry that the next scan could show the cancer is back. Mya will continue to have scans and tests taken every few weeks until she is five years old.
Hope Session by Kara Chappell Photography. website | facebook