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Lilly loves her brother, Ethan, and her step-siblings, Allison and Grant. She takes dance and gymnastics lessons and loves them. She loves to dance and sing. She has a lot of baby dolls and takes great care of them. She also gives all of us and her toys check ups very often. She is beautiful, smart, funny, kind, caring, sensitive, tough, brave, awe-inspiring, fun, loving……. She is amazing!

Lilly was diagnosed with clear cell sarcoma of the kidney on January 22, 2014 at the age of 18 months. Before her diagnosis, her belly looked swollen and she had pain when urinating. Lilly had surgery on January 27, 2014 to remove a 2 pound tumor and her right kidney. She then had 6 radiation treatments. Chemo lasted 27 weeks. She has been cancer free for two years.

Our main struggle, as is common with most cancer families, is financial. Our life stopped, but the bills didn’t. Money is tight and our anxiety is high, but we don’t take anything for granted anymore. We know life is short and can change in an instant.



Lilly’s support page

Hope Session by Kelley Deal Photography.  website |  facebook

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