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Landon is a fun energetic toddler, he’s 3 years old and he’s autistic. He loves to dance and sing and give everyone kisses. He loves to play with his big brother and little sister. He is one of the most loving kids I’ve ever met.

In November of 2016, Landon was very pale and bruising very easily. It wasn’t until mid December that we took him to his pediatrician and he told me there was nothing wrong with him. I asked the doctor to order blood work for Landon. I took Landon to get the blood work done. A few days later we were supposed to get the results but there was a problem with it clotting to fast and it had to be redone. I went with my gut and took him to the local ER. A few hours later he was transferred to a different hospital. The next day he had a bone marrow procedure done and he was diagnosed that day with Pre B Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia or ALL. He had a 40 day stay in the hospital and in the beginning he didn’t handle it so well. It was rough. He’s been doing ok since then with more hospital stays for fevers. I am hoping the rest of this treatment isn’t too hard on him.

Landon’s support pageĀ 

Hope session by Stacey Heritage Photography.

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