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Dominic loves his two older brothers and thinks he his older than 3 years old. He wants to do everything his brothers can do. He enjoys being outside, riding his scooter, or bike.

He was diagnosed with ALL in Feb of 2019. His symptoms appeared rather quickly. He started vomiting on a Saturday, by Monday he had declined rapidly and this resulted in an ER visits for stabilization. Then he was transported by air to the children’s hospital.

Dominic has been through lots of medical treatments, including dialysis for kidney failure (no longer indicated), chemotherapy via infusion, and chemotherapy via spine injection.

We struggle with finding a balance between hospital visits and Dominic’s treatments and dividing quality time among the two older siblings, spouse, and family. This was a big struggle for the first 11 months of treatment.

Hope session by Lavender Lime | Facebook | Instagram

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