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Brynlee is a very energetic and loving little girl. She will be trying gymnastics for the first time this year. She loves to sing and dance but tends to be shy around strangers.

Brynlee, was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia on August 26, 2013 at two and a half years old. In the time leading up to her diagnosis, Brynlee’s eyes had been swollen, but I thought she might have been allergic to something. She also had night sweats but I thought that was typical of a toddler.

Brynlee started off high risk due to her high white blood count. We soon learned that she had a not so common chromosomal issue which made her leukemia more difficult to treat – 95% of children with leukemia go into remission after the first month and continue treatment for 2-3 years. It took Brynlee 5 months to reach remission. She became a very high risk patient and ended up needing a bone marrow transplant. We were extremely fortunate that her younger brother was a perfect match and saved his sisters life. This year will be her 5th year in remission and a huge milestone in the cancer world!

Cancer has changed many things about our life but we truly treasure every second of every day.

Brynlee’s Support Page

Hope Session by Alexandra Sullivan Photography

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