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Amelie is the sweetest silliest girl. She loves, LOVES, crafts, art work, music- anything creative. She is tender and compassionate and sensitive. She is more of an introvert for sure and her love language is definitely quality time.

Amelie was diagnosed with Ewing’s Sarcoma in January of 2018. Leading up to her diagnosis, we noticed a growth on Amelie’s wrist after school one day. We thought she may have hurt it over Christmas break or doing cartwheels – her latest trick. When we took her to urgent care the Practitioner said he couldn’t tell us specifically what it was – implying he wasn’t at liberty but that if it was his child he wouldn’t wait to get a referral to an orthopedist and that we should be ok for an appointment at 8am the next morning. And really the rest is history. We found out the very next day Amelie had a fast growing malignant bone tumor that required such intense treatment.

She had to have port insertion surgery, tumor removal and bone grafting surgery, chemotherapy and many transfusions of blood and platelets. By the time we’re done she’ll have done 92 doses of chemo in less than 11 months! We are up against a lot of chemo rage and emotional outbursts right now which are super common but Amelie is such a wonderful kid and we know these things will subside. She’s generally very very content and happy.

Cancer has changed so many things about our life. I had to quit working. Our then two year old, now three year old went from daily daycare to home all week except for an occasional one or two days in. They are now best friends and do everything together. Because of her rigorous treatment we don’t see friends, we’ve been to church maybe three times this whole year and that is our main local community. I have hung out with friends maybe as many times and my husband even fewer. But with that said, we have grown SO much closer and we actually like each other! We have fun as a family. We grieve as a family and acknowledge and honor feelings together. We have better conversations and intentional time than any time before and that is a beautiful transformation to see that I hope stays with us forever.

Amelie has experienced miracles thru her story: from a 14 hour surgery taking only 6 and a bone that wasn’t even supposed to fully graft until treatment is done being completely healed and grafted. Not only that, her story has united over 1,200 people in our Amelie’s Tribe Facebook group and global communities as one of her parents were raised internationally. It’s has been an incredible blessing and lesson in the impact a life can have on this world, even one so young as her.

Amelie’s Support Page

Hope Session by Crystal Freemon Photography | Facebook | Instagram

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